Our Lady of the Cape Ministries
We have a large variety of ministries and encourage all our parishioners to be involved in the ministries of the parish. Please see descriptions below.
If you would like to participate in our ministries please contact the parish office, 508-385-3252 ext. 10, [email protected], to be directed to the Ministry Leader.
Liturgical Ministries
Eucharistic Ministers
At Our Lady of the Cape, we have a large number of committed Eucharistic Ministers (EMs) who give out Holy Communion at our weekend and daily Massed. We also have a very vibrant group of EMs who bring Holy Communion to our homebound parishioners and those in local nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
EMs are commissioned by the Diocese of Fall River to give out Holy Communion. In order to ensure that this ministry is conducted with utmost reverence for the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, the Diocese requires that all EMs have attended training sessions. These sessions are offered each year in May.
Nursing Home, Assisted Living Ministry and Homebound Parishoners
Our ministry teams bring the Eucharist to the residents of Regal Care of Harwich, Pleasant Bay, the Woodlands and Maple Wood of Brewster, Nursing Homes and Assisted Living facilities. This ministry is a very rewarding and fulfilling opportunity to bring the presence of Jesus to residents. Home bound Parishoners can contact Diane Rinkacs at (508)385-325 x14 to arrange for a home visit.
Ministry Lector
Parish lectors proclaim the Word of God at all Masses at Our Lady of the Cape and Immaculate Conception Chapel. We make every effort to assign lectors to Masses of their choice. Lectors should expect to be asked to be available on average once each month. Assignments are made 5-6 months in advance. Planned vacations and “snowbird” status are not obstacles to lector service. Lector training will be provided.
Music Ministry
The mission of the music ministry is to praise God through liturgical music and to unite, through liturgical song, the entire worshiping community when we gather for celebrations of the Eucharist.There are various ways to participate in our parish’s music ministry:
- by leading the liturgical assembly in song as a cantor;
- by playing a musical instrument (e.g., flute, trumpet, violin)
- by becoming a member of one of our parish’s choir or 10:00 Masses.
The Sacristan Ministry exists to assist our priests in preparation for the Mass, and to provide a welcoming sanctuary for the community to come and be part of the celebration of the sacraments.
Usher/Greeter Ministry
We invite men, women, and confirmed teens of the parish to join us as ushers at Mass, both at Our Lady of the Cape Church throughout the year, and at the Immaculate Conception Chapel during the summer months. We have openings for most of the Masses. The duties of an usher include greeting people as they enter church and guiding people to pews.
Support Ministries
Coffee, Tea and Donut Sundays
We put on “Coffee, Tea and Donut Sundays,” held after Mass on each third Sunday of the month throughout the year. This is a great opportunity for fellowship with parishioners and visitors. Join us each month in the lower level of the church after the 8:30 and 10:00 Masses, and enjoy chatting with new and old friends.
Church Decorating Committee
This committee sets up and takes down the decorations for Christmas, Easter, and other liturgical celebrations. They water and dispose of floral arrangements.
Baptismal Preparation
Our Baptismal Preparation Ministry meets with and prepares parents of infants and young children for the reception of the Sacrament of Baptism by their children.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is composed of parishioners who meet to review and oversee the parish budget, capital outlays and financial results. Regular meetings of the Finance Committee are held quarterly, with additional meetings as needed. Members are appointed by our pastor.
Service to Others
Christmas Dinner
For the past many years, Our Lady of the Cape has been inviting people who are alone on Christmas Day to come to the parish center for Christmas Dinner. Our guests have a complete dinner from appetizers, turkey with all the fixings to dessert, along with entertainment. Transportation to and from the dinner is offered for those that cannot drive. Meals are also delivered to the homebound as well as police and firemen on duty on this holiday.
Volunteers are needed to decorate, make phone calls, prepare the meal, greet and serve our guests and more. We serve an average of 225 meals at the parish center and deliver 275 plus meals.
Lazarus Ministry
The Lazarus Ministry provides comfort and support to the bereaved in the following ways:
- Companions : assist and accompany families throughout the wake and funeral processes.
- Come Walk With Me : grief – support seminar.
- Walking Together : support group for those who have completed the seminar.
- Martha Ministry : hospitality after funeral Masses .
- Mass of Remembrance: remember deceased loved ones at Mass .
- Funeral Planning : people take an active role in planning their funerals.
Martha Ministry
Members of this ministry assist bereaved families of our parish, their friends and guests after a funeral Mass, by serving a provided lunch. Volunteers help set up, serve and clean. This ministry is a great comfort to grieving families and friends.
Parish Nurse Ministry
The Parish Nurse Ministry is composed of nurses who have completed the Faith Community Nurse Certificate Program and are experienced nurses with many areas of expertise. We offer blood pressure screenings, health counseling and education regarding health issues, medications and nutrition. We also offer workshops and seminars on various health and wellness issues, and we integrate faith and health in our ministry. The Parish Nurses Ministry welcomes all nurses to join, and supports those who wish to pursue a Faith Community Nurse Certificate.
Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council is composed of representatives appointed by parish committees and organizations, as well as at-large members appointed by our pastor. The Council provides our pastor with updates as to what is happening within the parish. The Council is a consultative body to the pastor. Regular meetings of the Pastoral Council are held quarterly; the Council also meets as needed.
St. Vincent de Paul
The Saint Vincent de Paul Ministry is comprised of a group of parishioners dedicated to helping people in need. The work of the Society starts with a hotline call to our monitors. Volunteers, known as Advocates, then offer assistance to our neighbors in need, in confidentiality and with compassion, on a person to person basis. We provide financial assistance to help ease the burden of rent, utilities, heat, transportation, and health needs.
All of the assistance provided is a result of the generosity of our parish family in the monthly Harvest collection.
New volunteers are always needed and welcome.
Summer Fair
The annual Summer Fair is the parish’s biggest fundraiser, with proceeds benefiting charitable organizations and church needs. More than 70 volunteers participate in the collection, setup, and sale of a vast array of donated items.
The Fair, run by the Ladies Guild, with support from the Men’s Club, has been an annual highlight for many years.
Thrift Shop
The Our Lady of the Cape Thrift Shop is located off of Rte. 6A, at 11 Lower Road, Brewster, between Luke’s Liquors and Dunkin Donuts. We sell men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, jewelry, lamps, pictures and lots of household items and collectibles.
All proceeds from sales go to the parish, provide scholarships to students and help to fund our charitable giving.
Please click the link for shop hours: Thrift Shop
Together With Haiti
We work to support our sister parish, St. Claire’s in Dessalines, Haiti. Through the generosity of our parishioners, we help to maintain facilities, build new chapels and other buildings, and provide meals for more than 2500 hungry school children. In addition, we fund three schools and a clinic, and supply scholarships for needy students. Please our page under Ministries for more information: Together with Haiti
Community Building
Ladies’ Guild
The mission of the Ladies Guild is to plan and carry out activities that contribute to the spiritual,
social and financial well-being of the Our Lady of the Cape Parish community. Membership is
open to all women in the parish as well as non-parishioners who wish to foster the mission of
the Ladies Guild. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month, September through
May. Each meeting begins with Mass and is followed by lunch, business meeting and a
program. Our monthly programs cover a wide variety of topics, including, but not limited to,
spiritual discussions; hands on crafts; musical performances; safety and self-care; presentations
from local service organizations; and other topics of interest to our members. With about 150
dedicated members, the Guild supports the parish and local community in many ways including
our major activities: Our Lady of the Cape Thrift Store; the Parish Summer Fair, Dress A Child
and Annual Scholarship Program. Anyone interested in learning more about the Guild or coming
to one of our meetings as a guest should contact Mary Loftus, membership coordinator (201)
832-0544, [email protected] or Kathleen Kelleher, President (207) 649-2290,
[email protected].
Knights of Columbus
Knights form strong friendships and have fun doing God’s work. We put Charity
and Community first. We strive to put Faith into Action!
Knights share Catholic values and are in solidarity with priests, bishops and all
religious. Knights are involved in volunteer activities that help strengthen Faith,
Family, Community and Life. We serve as Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers,
CCD teachers. We may serve on a pro-life council or volunteer with the St. Vincent
De Paul Society.
Knights are Catholic men who lead, serve, protect and defend. We share a desire
to be better husbands, fathers, sons and neighbors. As men of Faith and Courage
we help provide food for families, coats for kids, defend the unborn and help
provide homes for the homeless.
Men’s Club
The Men’s Club combines service and fellowship to help make Our Lady of the Cape Church a welcoming community to all on the journey of Christian faith. With nearly 100 members, we actively support many popular parish events such as Night at the Races, Jazz Band Concert, and Parish Fair as well as community charities including Catholic high school students and clothing drives. We have an annual morning retreat for members.The Executive Board meets on the first Monday of the month (open to all members). Club events are scheduled monthly throughout the year. We always welcome new members.
Devotion and Prayer
Faith-Sharing Group
The Faith-Sharing Group meets each Thursday morning, from 8:45 to 10:00, in the parish center. We pray and read the Scripture texts for the upcoming Sunday. We discuss the relevance of the readings for our lives, as well as the challenges they present to us. We grow in faith by sharing our faith. The meetings are open to all; come to as many as you are able!
First Friday Adoration
The history of an hour with Jesus has been part of Catholic tradition since Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane, asked his disciples, “Could you not watch with me one hour?” (Matthew 26:40) The La Salette Room in the lover level of the church becomes our chapel on First Fridays until 8:00 a.m. Mass on First Saturday.
OLC Vocation Ministry
The OLC Vocation Ministry, Celebrate our Clergy & Religious, promotes awareness of religious life as a practical and deeply rewarding alternative for young people and celebrates the gifts brought to us by those who have already responded to His call. We publish parishioners’ stories about priests and religious. We send La Salettes across the country birthday cards, including select stories, as reminders of their importance in the lives of those they serve. Contact us at olcvocations.com.
Prayer Line
The Prayer Line consists of a group of volunteers who offer prayers in response to the many requests of the parishioners who call in asking for prayers.
Prayer Group
We gather to pray for those who need prayer. We start by praising God in word and song for all that he has done for us. We give Jesus all the honor and glory for bringing us together, for sending his Holy Spirit and for warming our hearts and healing our wounds, whether physical, spiritual or emotional.
Drop in on Wednesdays at the Parish Center at 7:00 PM, except during the winter months, when we meet at 2:00 PM. We would love to pray with you!
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry provides handmade shawls and/or lap robes to people of any age or life situation who might welcome a token of caring, support, or celebration. Knitters and crocheters of all skill levels are invited to become part of this outreach. Meetings are held year-round in the Parish Center on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month, from 9:30 am until 11:00 am. Some members prefer to stitch at home.
Rosary-making Ministry
As we gather to make rosaries, we pray and enjoy making new friends. Our rosaries are blessed and given to people in hospitals, nursing homes, the home-bound and others. We also make rosaries for sacramental celebrations such as First Communions.
We meet in the Parish Center on the last two Tuesdays of each month at 10:00 from September to May.